
Whether you are coming to Canada temporary as a visitor, student or worker OR applying to become a permanent resident, individuals and their family members must be admissible to Canada. 


Some reasons an individual may be inadmissible to Canada are, but not limited to, the following: 

  • National Security
  • Human or International right violations
  • Driving crimes involving drugs and/or alcohol
  • Medical Reasons
  • Financial Reasons
  • Misrepresentation
  • Having an inadmissible family member


Police Certificates

You may be required to provide police certificate(s).  


A police certificate is a statement declaring if an entrant has a criminal record or not. This certificate helps to confirm if there are any reasons a person may be inadmissible to Canada.


Any person 18 or older may need to acquire a police certificate, depending on the program they are applying for.



Submitting a police certificate

There are different criteria and timelines that are dependant on your application pathway. 


Contact Brillion to learn more about your options to enter Canada or addressing any inadmissibility concerns.

Apply Now

Brillion will review your candidacy and complete your application.

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