Federal Skilled Trades

The Federal Skilled Trades Program is designed for individuals seeking Canadian permenant residency status who have at least 2 years of  technical work experience (Skill Level B) in skilled industrial trades such as construction, mechanical, electrical, machining, manufacturing, processing, chefs, cooks, butchers and bakers.


Minimum requirements

To be eligible, you MUST meet ALL the following criteria.


1. OFFICIAL Language level

Meet the required language levels for each language ability of at least one of Canada's official languages, English or French, via an approved test.


First Official LanguageAbilitiesMinimum level *


or French

Speaking    5
Listening    5
Reading    4
Writing    4

* If English is First Official Language: Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB)

   If French: Niveaux de compétence linguistique canadien (NCLC)



2. SKILLED Work experience

Have 2 years of work experience (Canadian or foreign) in a skilled trade within 5 years before your application is submitted. 


The work experience does not need to be continuous but must all be acquired after obtaining the required technical or trade certification.


This means you have earned 3,120 hours of qualified work. 

ExampleFull TimePart Time
Hours worked per week*30 hrs15 hrs
Total3,120 hrs3,120 hrs

* Any hours per week over 30 is not eligible; part-time workers can work more or less than 15 hours per week as long as it adds up to 3,120 hours within 5 years (260 weeks) before applying.


Eligible National Occupational Classification (NOC) Groups
72Industrial, electrical and construction trades
73Maintenance and equipment operation trades
82Supervisors and technical occupations in natural resources, agriculture and related production
92Processing, manufacturing and utilities supervisors
632Chefs and cooks
633Butchers and bakers

The above are broad categories, please call to clarify if your trade is listed in the NOC. 

*Except for needing a certificate of qualification


3. employment OFFER or qualification

Have a valid full-time employment job offer or have a certificate of qualification in your skilled trade issued by a Canadian provincial, territorial or federal authority


Job offer (Full-Time)

Job offer must:

  • Be in writing.
  • Be for at least 1 year in duration.
  • Not be from an embassy, high commission or consulate in Canada.
  • Include details of the work you will perform (the job duties).
  • Include your type of pay (commission, salary or hourly wage) and the amount.
  • Include any conditions of employment (e.g. hours of work, vacation, benefits).
Certificate of Qualification

A certificate of qualification issued by a Canadian provincial or territorial regulatory body that proves that you are qualified to work in a specific skilled trade in Canada. 


This means that you:

  • have passed a certification exam; AND
  • meet all requirements to practice your trade in your chosen province or territory.

This certificate is issued by the body that governs trades in a Canadian province or territory, or by a federal authority.



4. Education

There is no formal education requirement for the Federal Skilled Trades Program. 


However, you’ll likely have to go to the province or territory to be assessed for your trade. You may also need an employer in Canada to give you experience and training.


To learn more about getting assessed, you should go to the website of the body that governs trades for the province/territory where you would like to live and work. The process is different, depending on where you want to go.


Each website has more details about certificates of qualification to work in that province or territory in a specific skilled trade, and what you have to do to get one. 


If your trade is not regulated by a province or territory, it may be federally regulated (for example, airplane mechanic). You can find out who regulates your trade by visiting the website of the Canadian Information Centre for International Credentials.


5. Proof of funds

Show that you have enough money to support you and your family to settle in Canada in order to cover the costs of living in Canada during your permanent residency period.

Number of
family members
Funds required
(in Canadian dollars)
For each additional family member$3,414


You do not need to provide proof of funds in your application if you:

  • Are currently able to legally work in Canada; AND
  • Have a valid job offer from an employer in Canada



Plan to live outside Québec. The province of Québec selects its own skilled workers. 


Brillion does not perform immigration services related to Québec. However, we can refer you to a certified immigration consultant or lawyer who specializes in that region.


Be admissible to Canada. You and your family members must not be inadmissible to Canada for security, criminal or medical reasons. 


Apply Now

Brillion will review your candidacy and complete your application.

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